You want to migrate to the cloud or create a SaaS application? You want to optain high availability, lower your RPO/RTO? You just need support with your cloud deployments? We do speak AWS, GCP, OpenStack, Terraform, Kubernetes, Docker and more!
Wishing to evolve your dev workflow to match SRE guidances? Looking forward to improving your SLO/SLI? You need to create a new CI/CD pipeline? Or you just need some help, workforce for one of these topic? Our team uses a lot of CNCF projects!
You need advise on building a microservices or serverless architecture? You are planning on making your software able to perform rolling-upgrades? You are just looking for developers? We have people fluent in GoLang, Java, Python, React...
Empowering everyone using and managing Kubernetes clusters with key metrics and actionable insights, enabling them to optimize and secure their environments.